Peakside Capital is committed to the environmentally responsible and sustainable use of resources and to creating and maintaining properties that are operationally efficient.
Peakside believes that a strong focus on sustainability is not only critical to the future of our planet, but also serves as a competitive advantage in attracting tenants and positively impacts the value of the property when it is sold.
Advance decarbonization
Develop customized solutions
Implement manage-to-green strategies
We signed the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2020.
With our "hands-on" management approach and thanks to our well-established ESG partner network, we are well positioned to support our clients in ESG-related portfolio adjustments and efficiently implement Transition-to-Green strategies.
Peakside Capital – Our Responsible Investing Principles and Guidelines
Peakside Capital – Environmental, Social, and Governance Policy
Taking a holistic view of our buildings, our asset and property management initiatives include resource and cost reduction programs that reduce our carbon footprint, for example through the use of renewable energy, thereby enhancing the attractiveness of our properties and positioning Peakside as a landlord of choice.
By ensuring operational efficiencies in the development and management of our properties, we seek to reduce our impact on our tenants and the environment.
Several of our buildings have received certifications to LEED (Gold & Platinum) or KfW 70 standards.
As a value-add investor, we have the opportunity to play an active role in shaping our environment and our immediate neighborhood and to make our contribution to making cities and communities more sustainable and fit for the future.
In this context, we attribute a decisive role to social aspects within the framework of our active asset management for successful value creation.
At Peakside, we embrace an open and inclusive corporate culture.
As part of our ESG and compliance policies, we have adopted stringent anti-corruption measures and adhere to the highest social, employment and environmental standards to uphold our reputation for good corporate governance.